EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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dopus5.library/BOOPSI_gadgets dopus5.library/BOOPSI_gadgets
The dopus5.library makes several BOOPSI gadgets available globally. These
gadgets can be accessed globally without even opening the dopus5.library,
although it is a good idea to open it to make sure the library is present in
the system.
The gadgets are all sub-classes of standard BOOPSI gadgets, and so take
all the standard tags (GA_Left, GA_Top, etc..). Often they are based heavily
on GadTools gadgets and will support equivalent GadTools tags. They also
have their own set of tags, which is described below.
dopus5.library/dopusbuttongclass dopus5.library/dopusbuttongclass
The dopusbuttongclass provides a standard pushbutton gadget. It is
similar to a standard buttongclass gadget, but provides some additional
functionality. This is via the following tags:
GTCustom_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) (I) - used to specify a font for
the gadget label. (default is the window font).
GTCustom_ThinBorders (BOOL) (I) - if set to TRUE, the gadget will be
rendered with single-pixel borders (default FALSE).
GTCustom_Borderless (BOOL) (I) - if set to TRUE, the gadget will be
rendered with no border (default FALSE).
GTCustom_Bold (BOOL) (I) - is set to TRUE, the gadget label will be
rendered in bold (default FALSE).
GTCustom_Style (ULONG) (I) - use this tag to control the text style of
the gadget label. Valid flags are FSF_BOLD and FSF_ITALIC
(default FSF_NORMAL).
GTCustom_NoGhost (BOOL) (I) - if set to TRUE, the gadget imagery will
not 'ghost' when the gadget is disabled (default FALSE).
GTCustom_TextPlacement (WORD) (I) - Lets you select the position of the
label relative to the gadget. Valid values are:
PLACETEXT_IN (default)
dopus5.library/dopuscheckgclass dopus5.library/dopuscheckgclass
The dopuscheckgclass provides a replacement for GadTools checkbox gadgets.
As a BOOPSI class, it allows you to have a checkbox without using GadTools.
This class uses the same basic code as the dopusbuttongclass, and as such
supports the same tags. The class also supports the GTCB_Checked flag (defined
in libraries/gadtools.h) to set or get the current state of the gadget.
dopus5.library/dopusframeclass dopus5.library/dopusframeclass
The dopusframeclass is a BOOPSI class for a frame gadget. A frame gadget
does not respond to user input; its only purpose is to draw a frame (usually
around some other gadgets). This class uses the same basic code as the
dopusbuttongclass, and as such supports the same tags. The class also supports
the GTCustom_FrameFlags tag, to specify flags for the frame. Currently, the
only defined flag is AREAFLAG_RECESSED, which causes the frame to be drawn
as recessed.
dopus5.library/dopusiclass dopus5.library/dopusiclass
This class allows you to access several predefined images. The image
you receive is controlled by the following tags:
This sets the image type. Current valid types are:
IM_ARROW_UP - an up arrow
IM_ARROW_DOWN - a down arrow
IM_CHECK - a check mark
IM_DRAWER - a "folder" image
IM_BBOX - a filled box with a border
IM_BORDER_BOX - a filled box
IM_ICONIFY - an iconify gadget image
IM_LOCK - a lock gadget image
This sets the front pen for the image. Currently, only the IM_CHECK
image supports this tag.
This class is a sub-class of imageclass, and so supports the standard
IM_Width, IM_Height, etc, tags. Images are scaled to the supplied sizes.
dopus5.library/dopuslistviewgclass dopus5.library/dopuslistviewgclass
This boopsi gadget is a replacement for the gadtools LISTVIEW_KIND
gadgets. It has been designed to "drop-in" as easily as possible, and
uses many of the same tags as the gadtools equivalent. It is however
much more flexibile than the gadtools gadget.
The gadget duplicates most of the tags provided by gadtools' listview
gadget. It also offers some powerful additions not available under
gadtools. These include :
o Current selection indicated by highlight bar, checkmark
or text colour
o Multiple-selection of items with checkmarks
o Items can be rendered in different colours
o Simple text formatting in the lister
o Scroller can be optionally removed
o Supports drag notification
o Automatic double-click notification
o Supports resizing via OM_SET
It also does not suffer from the gadtools problem of resizing itself to an
integral multiple of the item height (ie, the size you specify is the size
you get). It is controlled by the following tags:
DLV_Top (WORD) (ISG) - Top item visible in the listview. This value
will be made reasonable if out-of-range (defaults to 0).
DLV_MakeVisible (WORD) (IS) - Number of an item that should be forced
within the visible area of the listview by doing minimal scrolling.
This tag overrides DLV_Top.
DLV_Labels (struct List * or Att_List *) (ISG) - List of nodes whose
ln_Name fields are to be displayed in the listview. Calling
SetGadgetAttrs() and specifying 0 will remove the current list.
Specifying ~0 will remove the list but will not disturb the display,
allowing you to make changes to the contents and selection status.
DLV_ReadOnly (BOOL) (I) - If TRUE, then listview is read-only
(defaults to FALSE).
DLV_ScrollWidth (UWORD) (I) - Width of scroll bar for listview.
Must be greater than zero (defaults to 16).
DLV_ShowSelected (void) (I) - Specify this tag to have the currently
selected item displayed with a highlight bar (or another method).
Note that this tag does not support the automatic copying to
a string gadget that gadtools does. You should specify ti_Data
as 0 for future compatibility.
DLV_Selected (UWORD) (ISG) - Ordinal number of currently selected
item, or ~0 to have no current selection (defaults to ~0).
DLV_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) (I) - Allows you to specify a font to
use in the lister. Must have previously been opened.
DLV_MultiSelect (BOOL) (I) - If TRUE, the listview allows multiple-
selection of items (see below for details).
DLV_Check (BOOL) (I) - If TRUE, and DLV_ShowSelected is TRUE, the
current selection will be indicated with a checkmark. Note that
this tag has no meaning in conjunction with DLV_MultiSelect.
DLV_ShowChecks (ULONG) (I) - If set to something other than zero,
checkmarks will be shown for selected items (see below for
details), but the user will not be able to alter their state.
If set to 1, selected items will be rendered in the highlight
pen colour. If set to 2, they will be rendered in the normal
text colour.
DLV_Highlight (BOOL) (I) - If TRUE, and DLV_ShowSelected is TRUE, the
current selection will be displayed in a different colour.
DLV_NoScroller (BOOL) (I) - If TRUE, the lister will not have a scroller
attached. The gadget will still support scrolling by "dragging"
the selection highlight.
DLV_TopJustify (BOOL) (I) - If TRUE, items displayed in the lister will
be aligned to the top of the gadget, rather than being centered
DLV_Flags (ULONG) (I) - Allows you to specify layout flags for the lister.
Currently the only flags supported are :
PLACETEXT_ABOVE - display title above gadget (default)
PLACETEXT_LEFT - display title at top-left of gadget
DLV_RightJustify (BOOL) (I) - If TRUE, items displayed in the lister
will be aligned to the right of the gadget, rather than to the
DLV_ShowFilenames (BOOL) (I) - If TRUE, items in the lister are taken to
be pathnames to files, and only the filename component (ie the
result of a FilePart() call) is displayed. This allows you to keep
the full pathname in ln_Name but only display the filename.
DLV_DragNotify (ULONG) (I) - If this is set to something other than zero,
the gadget will notify you when the user tries to drag an item
out of it. See the section on DragNotify below.
DLV_ScrollUp (void) (S) - Use this tag with SetGadgetAttrs() to make the
lister scroll up one line.
DLV_ScrollDown (void) (S) - Use this tag with SetGadgetAttrs() to make the
lister scroll down one line.
DLV_SelectPrevious (void) (S) - Use this tag with SetGadgetAttrs() to make
the previous entry become selected.
DLV_SelectNext (void) (S) - Use this tag with SetGadgetAttrs() to make
the next entry become selected.
DLV_Lines (void) (G) - returns number of visible lines displayed in lister.
DLV_Object (void) (G) - returns the address of the Object * structure.
DLV_GetLine (void) (G) - this allows you to get the line number in the
lister from window-relative mouse coordinates. StoragePtr should be
initialised to the mouse coordinates ((x<<16)|y).
DLV_DrawLine (void) (G) - this allows you to render a line of the listview
into your own RastPort. See the section on DragNotify below
for more information.
The gadget is a subclass of gadgetclass and as such supports the
standard gadgetclass tags (including GA_Disabled). The title of
the gadget can be specified with GA_Text (GA_IntuiText and
GA_LabelImage are not supported).
The dopuslistviewgclass gadget supports multiple-selection of items.
This feature is enabled by passing {DLV_MultiSelect,TRUE} on creation.
The ln_Type field of each of the node structures is used to
indicate whether an item is selected or not. For convenience, this
field has been renamed lve_Flags.
To see whether an item is selected, test the LVEF_SELECTED flag in
the lve_Flags field. Similarly, you can set an item's selection
status by changing the value of this flag.
You can specify the individual pen colours of each of the items in
the list. The ln_Pri field of each of the node structures is used
for this purpose. For convenience, this field has been renamed
To specify that an item is to be rendered in other than the default
pen colour, set lve_Pen to the appropriate value and set the
LVEF_USE_PEN flag in the lve_Flags field.
The gadget supports simple text-formatting for item display. This
allows you to have columns and right-justified text in the lister.
If the text for an entry (ln_Name) contains a \t (tab character),
the text following that character will be right-justified in the
You can specify column positions using the \a (alert) character.
The character immediately following the \a provides the position
for the start of the next column. This is specified in character
spaces. You should be aware that characters in proportional fonts
are often wider than the nominal width of the font.
For example, if the following items were supplied to the gadget :
Bloggs\a\xa Fred\a\x1a 1-Sep-65\tPaid
Hall\a\xa Jane\a\x1a 9-Aug-68\tNot paid
Hubbard\a\xa Bill\a\x1a 7-Mar-18\tPaid
The display you would see would be something like this :
Bloggs Fred 1-Sep-65 Paid
Hall Jane 9-Aug-68 Not paid
Hubbard Bill 7-Mar-18 Paid
To enable drag notification, pass {DLV_DragNotify,1} on creation.
You will then be sent an extended taglist via the IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE
message when the user attempts to drag an item out of the list.
If you pass {DLV_DragNotify,2} the user will only be able to drag
out of the list sideways; dragging up or down will scroll the list
as usual.
The tags you are sent on an attempted drag are as follows :
Tag Data
GA_ID gadget ID
GA_Top window-relative item coordinates
GA_Height size of the item as displayed
GA_RelBottom offset mouse position in item
DLV_Top top item number
DLV_DragNotify ordinal number of item dragged
To see if an IDCMP_IDCMPUDPATE message is from a drag, just test
for the presence of the DLV_DragNotify tag in the taglist.
Once you get a drag notification, the actual dragging of the item
is your responsibility. The easiest way is using the drag routines
provided by the dopus5.library. Create a DragInfo large enough for the
item (GA_Width and GA_Height in the taglist). There are two ways to get
the image for the bitmap.
The first way is to use the GA_Left and GA_Top coordinates in the
taglist and just ClipBlit() from your window into the drag rastport.
This is the easiest way, but will also copy the checkmark if there is
one, and you may not want that.
The second way is to use the DLV_DrawLine tag with the GetAttr()
call, and have the listview render the item into your bitmap for you.
To do this, you need to initialise a ListViewDraw structure :
lvdraw.rp RastPort to render into
lvdraw.drawinfo DrawInfo for the screen
lvdraw.node List node to render
lvdraw.line Set to 0
lvdraw.box.Left Set to 0
lvdraw.box.Top Set to 0
lvdraw.box.Width Width of BitMap
lvdraw.box.Height Height of BitMap
Then you pass the address of the ListViewDraw structure as the
StoragePtr for the GetAttr call. Eg,
ULONG *ptr=(ULONG)&lvdraw;
Object *obj=GetTagData(DLV_Object,0,tags);
The GA_RelRight and GA_RelBottom tags are used to indicate where
in the item the user clicked. When you display the drag image on
the screen, you should offset its position by these values.
If you get an IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE message from the gadget, and the
DLV_DragNotify tag is not set, it is a normal selection message.
An additional tag is sent in this situation; DLV_DoubleClick.
The ti_Data field is a boolean indicating whether the selection
is a double-click or a normal single click.
The tags now sent for this message are :
Tag Data
GA_ID Gadget ID
DLV_Selected Ordinal number of selection
DLV_DoubleClick BOOL
To resize the gadget, pass the new coordinates via GA_Left, GA_Top,
GA_Width and GA_Height in a SetGadgetAttrs() call. You will then need
to refresh the display yourself, usually by clearing the window and
calling RefreshGList(). You may also need to call RefreshWindowFrame(),
if the window has been resized smaller, as the gadget may have
overwritten the window border before it was resized.
dopus5.library/dopuspalettegclass dopus5.library/dopuspalettegclass
The dopuspalettegclass provides a replacement for GadTools PALETTE_KIND
gadgets. As a BOOPSI class, it allows you to have a palette gadget without
using GadTools. This class supports the following tags:
GTCustom_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) (I) - used to specify a font for
the gadget label. (default is the window font).
GTCustom_ThinBorders (BOOL) (I) - if set to TRUE, the gadget will be
rendered with single-pixel borders (default FALSE).
GTPA_Color (UBYTE) (ISG) - the currently selected colour of the palette.
This number is a pen number, and not the ordinal colour number within
the palette gadget itself (default 1).
GTPA_Depth (UWORD) (IS) - Number of bitplanes in the palette (default 1).
GTPA_ColorTable (UBYTE *) (IS) - Pointer to a table of pen numbers
indicating which colours should be used and edited by the palette
gadget. This array must contain as many entries as there are colours
displayed in the palette gadget. The array provided with this tag
must remain valid for the life of the gadget, or until a new table
is provided. (default is NULL, which causes a 1-to-1 mapping of pen
GTPA_NumColors (UWORD) (IS) - Number of colours to display in the palette
gadget. This overrides GTPA_Depth and allows numbers which aren't
powers of 2. (defaults to 2)
DPG_Pen (UWORD) (ISG) - the currently selected colour of the palette.
This is similar to GTPA_Color but referes to the ordinal colour
number and not the pen number itself.
DPG_SelectNext (void) (S) - use this tag with SetGadgetAttrs() to cause
the next colour in the gadget to be selected.
DPG_SelectPrevious (void) (S) - use this tag with SetGadgetAttrs() to
cause the previous colour in the gadget to be selected.
dopus5.library/dopusstrgclass dopus5.library/dopusstrgclass
This dopusstrgclass provides a replacement for GadTools STRING_KIND
gadgets. It is basically a standard string gadget with an automatic border,
but also supports additional features. This class is based on the
dopusbuttongclass, and as such supports all the tags of that class. It is
also a subclass of strgclass and supports the standard string gadget
tags of that class (with some important changes, listed below). The control
tags supported by this class are as follows:
STRINGA_Buffer (char *) (I) - Specify the main buffer for the gadget.
If this is not supplied, a buffer will be allocated automatically
(this does not suffer from the maximum 128 bytes limitation of the
standard BOOPSI string gadget class).
STRINGA_UndoBuffer (char *) (I) - Specify the undo buffer for the
gadget. Again, one will be allocated automatically if you do not
supply one.
STRINGA_WorkBuffer (char *) (I) - Specify the work buffer for the
gadget. This will also be automatically allocated if you do not
supply it.
STRINGA_MaxChars (long) (I) - Specify the maximum length of the string
editable by this gadget. If buffers are allocated automatically,
they will be this size. GTST_MaxChars and GTIN_MaxChars are also
synonyms for this tag. (defaults to 40).
STRINGA_Font (struct TextFont *) (I) - Specify the font to use for this
GTCustom_ChangeSigTask (struct Task *) (I) - Specify a task that is to
be signalled whenever the contents of this gadget change.
(defaults to NULL).
GTCustom_ChangeSigBit (BYTE) (I) - Specify the signal bit that is used
to signal a task whenever the contents of this gadget change.
(defaults to 0).
STRINGA_TextVal (char *) (IS) - Set the contents of the string gadget.
The supplied string is copied to the buffer. GTST_String, GTTX_Text,
GTIN_Number and GTNM_Number are valid synonyms for this tag.
To use the dopus5.library edit hook with a string gadget, you should call
GetEditHook() and pass the results with the STRINGA_EditHook tag.
dopus5.library/dopusviewgclass dopus5.library/dopusviewgclass
This class provides a simple view gadget, similar to GadTools TEXT_KIND
and NUMBER_KIND gadgets. It is a subclass of dopusbuttongclass, and so
supports all the tags of that class. To set the contents of the view gadget,
use the GTTX_Text or GTNM_Number tags (a view gadget can be used to display
either text or a number interchangeably).